sister surrogate mother, Surrogacy, UK

UK – The surrogate sister act: Rachael provides the eggs, her sister Leanne carries the baby. As they prepare to hand over a second child to the same couple, they tell what led them to such an unusual arrangement The surrogate sister act: Rachael provides the eggs, her sister Leanne carries the baby. As they prepare to hand over a second child to the same couple, they tell what led them to such an unusual arrangement 

Source Daily Mail

Twenty-nine weeks pregnant, surrogate mum Leanne Davis, 37, can’t wait to meet the IVF baby girl she’s expecting.

Nor can her excited younger sister Rachael, 34, whose fertilised embryo Leanne is carrying.

Delivering this newborn will be very special. A labour of love. ‘We’re so looking forward to saying hello and giving her a little cuddle,’ says Leanne, 37, a single mum to three sons aged 17, 14 and nine. ‘We’re already joking about whose nose she will have.’

Rachael, who — as Leanne’s birthing partner — will hold her sibling’s hand and give words of encouragement, agrees: ‘It couldn’t be more emotional.’

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