Source: USA Today
A married same-sex Chemung County couple can rebuff an effort by a sperm donor to exert parental rights on the daughter born as a result of the arrangement.
Source: Bio News
The Minister for Health in Ireland on the 3 October 2017 disclosed a decision by Government to approve the drafting of a bill on assisted human reproduction (AHR) and associated research. Three days later a general scheme of the Assisted Human Reproduction Bill 2017 was published. This month, the bill went to Ireland’s Oireachtas health committee for scrutiny (see BioNews 934), after which it will go back to the Irish government for a final bill to be drafted. This is very exciting as it will be the first legislation in Ireland on assisted reproduction: setting up a legislative and regulatory structure under which the practice of AHR may operate.
Source: The Examiner
Former Labor Premier and Franklin MHA Lara Giddings has welcomed a “beautiful” baby girl.
Natasha Rose Magill was born at 12.36pm on Australia Day weighing 2.77kg.
Ms Giddings announced her pregnancy in September 2017 which was made possible by the assistance of an egg donor.
Source: The Washington Post
Brigitte Adams became the poster child for freezing your eggs. But things didn’t quite work out how she imagined.
Brigitte Adams caused a sensation four years ago when she appeared on the cover of Bloomberg Businessweek under the headline, “Freeze your eggs, Free your career.” She was single and blond, a Vassar graduate who spoke fluent Italian, and was working in tech marketing for a number of prestigious companies. Her story was one of empowerment, how a new fertility procedure was giving women more choices, as the magazine noted provocatively, “in the quest to have it all.”
Source: Hartford Courant
Anna Howat offered to carry her sister Beth Gaudino’s baby after Gaudino and her husband, Justin, lost twins at 20 weeks. Charlotte Grace was born on Tuesday at Hartford Hospital fulfilling the Gaudino’s dream of becoming parents. Both families live in Tolland.
In a sixth-floor room at Hartford Hospital, Anna Howat cradled the niece she gave birth to Tuesday.
For the last nine months, Anna, 29, has carried the biological child of her sister and brother-in-law, who tried without success to have a child for years. And on Jan. 23, at 9:33 p.m., Charlotte Grace Gaudino came out of her aunt’s womb and screaming into the world.
Last April, Anna came to her sister, Beth Gaudino, with a proposition: Anna, who had struggled herself with fertility issues before giving birth to a daughter in 2015, was willing to carry her sister’s child.
Source: BBC
A man who lost his wife to cancer said he is ending their bid to have a child through a surrogate.
Emmy Coates died in June, aged 31, just 18 months after being diagnosed with thyroid cancer.
She and husband Jake, 32, had planned to use embryos, frozen after her cancer spread, in order to have a baby.
Source My Domaine
The birth of Kim Kardashian West’s third child didn’t just prompt conversations about the choice of the baby’s name, Chicago—it also ignited new discussions about surrogacy. West’s surrogacy story is hardly indicative of the norm (sources say she was “pampered” by the couple during pregnancy), but her decision to give birth via surrogate is certainly in line with modern parenting trends. While it has been around for more than 30 years, gestational surrogacy transfers have nearly doubled since 2015.
Read more
Source: BuzzFeed News
I’ve spent thousands of dollars trying to get pregnant, and will spend many thousands more on my surrogate. And there’s still no guarantee of a baby.
When I began trying to get pregnant five years ago, I assumed it would happen easily, quickly, without too much expense. I come from highly fertile stock: My mom got pregnant after her tubes were tied; my sister got pregnant again three months after giving birth. As a single woman, I knew it wouldn’t be free, though. I’d need to get sperm and, since I didn’t plan to attempt the process at home, turkey baster style, I’d also have to involve medical professionals. But it wouldn’t take long to get pregnant, right?
Source: Lexology
Surrogacy – a word recently dragged kicking and screaming into the limelight by the pop-couple Kardashian-West. What caused the outcry? Kim’s decision: the mother of two would not bear their third child herself. Worldwide the topic of surrogacy sparks debate. Leaving ethics aside for a moment, should the legal aspects of surrogacy be influenced by social, political or geographical factors?
Surrogacy is not a concept or practice foreign to South Africa. The Children’s Act of 2005 prescribes that all surrogacy arrangements are to be governed by a “surrogacy motherhood agreement” (SMA), the validity of which must be confirmed by a court. A recent decision handed down by the Johannesburg High Court highlighted a few requirements for such confirmation. The judgment arguably opens the door to social, political and or geographical discrimination.
Source: BBC
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have spoken of their happiness about having a daughter by a surrogate.
And for some surrogate mums, the experience of carrying another family’s baby is just as joyful.
Chloe is 28, a mum of three, and she gave birth to her first surrogate child in August 2017.
She’s been talking to Newsbeat about why she decided to become a surrogate after having her three children.
Source: Vital Updates
Tina and Benjamin Gibson, 26 and 33 respectively, weren’t able to have children. That is, until Tina gave birth to their daughter, Emma Wren Gibson, who was frozen as an embryo for 24 years.
Tina said she remembers thinking that she simply wanted a baby. Whether that baby was record-setting or not, wasn’t in Tina’s thoughts.
Source: Newshub
A mother died before she was able to meet her surrogate baby, who will now be raised by a solo father.
Bec Arena passed away in September and earlier this month, son Rixon was born – carried by her best friend Jessica Brockie.
Ms Brockie was a surrogate for Ms Arena, who suffered from cystic fibrosis, and husband Gareth.
A GoFundMe page has been started in Ms Arena’s honour, to help Mr Arena raise the child and pay for the surrogacy process.
Source: Stowe
The circumstances surrounding an application for costs in a surrogacy dispute must be considered, a Family Court Judge has ruled.
The surrogacy arrangement had been made by a former same sex couple. The resulting child, a daughter, was born in the United States and now lives in New York with her biological father, ‘Y’.
Source: MyNewsLA
This story has it all – a same-sex couple, a court battle over immigration, baby twins and even a tie to the federal government shutdown at the start of the week.
Lawyers for a Los Angeles-based same-sex couple have filed suit against the federal government, alleging that the U.S. State Department is discriminating against them by denying birthright citizenship to one of their twin sons.
Source: Daily Mail
A selfless mother has become a surrogate for a gay couple for the second time, and delivered the baby free of charge in what she describes as a ‘BOGOF’ deal.
Becky Harris, 30, from Suffolk, carried a daughter for two businessmen from the south of England in 2012 and on January 8 she delivered the couple’s second baby.
Source: BioNews
Details of Ireland’s proposed Assisted Human Reproduction Bill were revealed in a meeting of the Oireachtas Health Committee.
Ireland currently has no legislation governing assisted reproduction. The bill aims to provide comprehensive regulation across all aspects of assisted reproduction and establish an Assisted Human Reproduction Regulatory Authority to make ongoing decisions, explained the Department of Health’s chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan.
Source: CBS SFBayArea
Young women see the ads on their Facebook feeds, in a college newspaper, even posted on Craig’s List.
They read: “Donate your eggs,” Help a family” and “Make some money.”
But what are the long-term risks to the egg donor?
It’s a question that weighs heavily on Dr. Jennifer Schneider’s mind. Her daughter, Jessica Grace Wing, was slender, vivacious and beautiful. She was a non-smoker, vegetarian, a yoga enthusiast, talented musician, composer and filmmaker.
Source: BioEdge
A gay couple has created a conundrum for the Singaporean government by attempting to adopt a child born of an American surrogate mother. The two unnamed men, both Chinese, aged 45 with high salaries, paid a California woman US$200,000 to provide an egg and to gestate a baby, who was born in 2013.
Source: Hindustan Times
The demand for surrogacy in India was so high that it made way for professional surrogacy agencies to enter the market as foreigners thronged accommodating IVF clinics, wanting a child. The market came under severe criticism for exploiting the surrogates, among other things.
Anindita Majumdar’s Transnational Commercial Surrogacy and the (Un) Making of Kin in India takes on this controversial subject via case studies, introducing readers to various stakeholders in the business that she has interacted with, without identifying them.