Surrogacy, Surrogate Mother

Waiting list for surrogates at record high in Idaho


Nationwide Egg Donation and Surrogacy in Meridian is seeing fewer women sign up to become surrogates, causing long waitlists for people hoping to become parents.

MERIDIAN, Idaho — Many people dream of becoming a parent, whether it’s a couple or an individual. Those who experience infertility, pregnancy loss, or cannot safely carry a baby to term, turn to surrogates to help them achieve that dream, but there aren’t enough surrogates to meet the current need.

“A surrogate is someone that is carrying somebody else’s biological child,” said Tiffany Valentine, president of Nationwide Egg Donation and Surrogacy. “So, the surrogate is not carrying a baby that does not have any genetic relation to her. She’s just the amazing person carrying it for a family.”

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India, Surrogacy, Surrogate Mother

India – The ART of surrogacy


The purpose of the ART Bill is to address the gaps that exist in the industry and protect women and children from exploitation, writes Dr Rita Bakshi.

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) includes all techniques that attempt to obtain a pregnancy by handling the sperm or the oocyte outside the human body and transferring the gamete or the embryo into the reproductive go together. To undergo an ART treatment, a surrogate is involved in case the woman is not medically fit to bear the baby.

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intended parents, Surrogacy, Surrogate Mother

As the Need for Surrogates Soars and Availability Drops, Intended Parents are Paying the Price

Source Newswires

As more and more couples and individuals turn to surrogacy to fulfill their dream of a family, the surrogacy market is booming. But while the need for surrogates soars, finding one is becoming harder and harder due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

After months of lockdowns and quarantines, many women who qualified as surrogates have pushed the pause button, taking some time to rethink their next step, while others refuse to get vaccinated, have increased their BMI during the pandemic or have lost their financial stability, and no longer qualify as surrogates.

Naturally, the increasing challenges to find a candidate also affect the cost of surrogacy, which spiked since the start of the pandemic. Still, probably the most significant effect of the surrogate shortage is the time it takes to find available surrogates, and many intended parents wait for months just to take their first step in this long, complex and emotional journey.

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