Same Sex, Single women, Surrogacy

Israel – Netanyahu Rejected Request to Consider Allowing Surrogates for Single Men, Same-sex Couples

Source Haaretz

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman refused a request from Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit to consider including single men and same-sex couples in proposed legislation allowing single women to use surrogacy services.
Litzman told the attorney general he believed the version of the government-sponsored bill that was approved by a Knesset committee this week, clearing the way for its approval by the legislature, should stand.

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Australia, Single women, Sperm Donor

Australia – WA single mums’ search for the right donor

Source Perth Now

MORE WA women are seeking to become “single mothers by choice” by using sperm donors, with the wait list at one fertility clinic doubling in 12 months.

A nationwide sperm shortage and increased demand for donor-assisted conception have extended wait lists at Perth fertility clinics, and hundreds of women are instead seeking sperm donors through Facebook.

PIVET Medical Centre’s wait list for donor-assisted conception has doubled in 12 months.

Donor co-ordinator Anne Wigham said more women were aware of their fertility limitations and were making the decision to have a child rather than wait for a partner.

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