
Woman Given 1 Percent Chance of Conceiving After Hitting Menopause at 29 Has ‘Miracle’ Babies

Source People

Chelsea Wright’s journey to motherhood was met with major roadblocks along the way.

After trying to conceive for about a year, Wright and her husband, Chris, decided to visit a fertility clinic. They were pleasantly surprised when a test result showed that Wright was actually pregnant. Unfortunately, she would go on to miscarry, and have two more back-to-back miscarriages.

It was a “brutal six months or so,” Wright, tells PEOPLE. In search of the cause, her then doctor suggested fertility testing. “She said, ‘you’re young, you’re in your 20s, ‘let’s do some blood work and see what’s going on, but everything about you seems healthy and normal and fine.’”

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Donor Eggs, Egg Donor, Menopause, UK

UK – Woman who went through the menopause aged ELEVEN reveals she’s pregnant with her first child following IVF treatment using a donor egg  

Source: Daily Mail

A woman who feared she would never carry a child after going through the menopause aged 11 has revealed she is three months pregnant.

Amanda Lewis, now 30, is expecting her first child after having IVF treatment using a donor egg and her partner’s sperm.

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