Egg Donation, Egg Donor, Infertility

These Egg Donor Sisters Have 22 Biological Children Between Them

Source: Mummyish

Imagine having 22 biological children – it’s okay if you just ran away screaming, I did a little bit. Now imagine that you don’t have to actually take care of any of them – yeah, that’s better. Egg donors aren’t technically parents, meaning they don’t carry, birth, or raise the kids they help create. But their contributions make so many dreams come true.

For some people having a big family is a dream, but some simply can’t have children. That is where the Van Der Worp sisters come in. They are some pretty incredible egg donors. Between the two sisters, they have 22 biological kids. Samara has her own son, but other than that, she has 9 other children that are only hers through DNA. Her sister Sarah has 12 – with one more on the way. The two have given the ultimate gift to families who are struggling with infertility.

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Donor Eggs, Egg Donation, Egg Donor

In the Internet Age, Is Sperm and Egg Donation Ever Truly Anonymous?

Source: Rewire

My friend’s daughter Emma looks a lot like my daughter Alice (both pseudonyms): the same blue eyes, the same “I’m about to start some trouble” grin. At their house, the other day, Alice pointed to a framed picture of Emma and said her own name.

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Donor Eggs, Egg Donation, Egg Donor

Women Not Aware Of Possible Hidden Risks Of Being An Egg Donor

Source: CBS SFBayArea

Young women see the ads on their Facebook feeds, in a college newspaper, even posted on Craig’s List.

They read: “Donate your eggs,” Help a family” and “Make some money.”

But what are the long-term risks to the egg donor?

It’s a question that weighs heavily on Dr. Jennifer Schneider’s mind. Her daughter, Jessica Grace Wing, was slender, vivacious and beautiful. She was a non-smoker, vegetarian, a yoga enthusiast, talented musician, composer and filmmaker.

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